Чиен Чун-Вей е роден през 1968 г. и е имал за цел да бъде художник още на 10-годишна възраст.
Получава магистърска степен по изящни изкуства в Национален университет в Тайван.

Като известен художник, той е бил многократно представян в “Изкуството на акварела”, “Акварел”, “Международен художник” и други големи списания за акварел. През годините той печели много награди на международни конкурси. Освен това той е първият художник в Тайван, който става член на Американското акварелно дружество и Националното акварелно дружество.

Той е автор и на най-продаваните книги, “Интригата на формата” и “Да учим акварел от демонстрациите”.
Сега преподава акварел в Тайван и е канен да прави майсторски класове по цял свят.



2019 - “Ambience of Jiufen”, won the "AWS Bronze Medal of Honor" at the 152st Annual International Exhibition of American Watercolor Society (AWS).
2018 - “Venice at Dusk”, won the "AWS Bronze Medal of Honor" at the 151st Annual International Exhibition of American Watercolor Society (AWS).
2017 - “Ambience of Jiufen”, won the 1st place in Artists Network Watermedia Showcase competition 2017.
2017 - “The Moscow Nocturne No.3”, chosen for the cover of Splash 18: The Best of Watercolor.
2017 - “Gazing” (Pencil Drawing), won the Exceptional Merit Award at the 19th Portrait Society of America (PSA).
2017 - “The Last Sunshine Is Still Warm Today”, won the Paul B. Remmey, AWS, Memorial Award at the 150th Annual International Exhibition of American Watercolor Society (AWS).
2016 - “It Rained Just Now”, selected for the 149th Annual International Exhibition of American Watercolor Society (AWS) and became the signature member of AWS.
2016 - “Cambridge Riders”, won The Matt Bruce RI Memorial Award at the 204th International Exhibition in Royal Institute of Watercolour Artists (RI).
2015 - “Keep Walking in the Sunshine”, won the Northwest Watercolor Foundation Award at the NWWS 75th International Open Exhibition.
2015 - “Bali Left Bank Park”, won the Alan R. Chiara Memorial Award at the 148th Annual International Exhibition of American Watercolor Society (AWS).
2015 - “It Rained Just Now”, won the 2nd place in Artists Network Watermedia Showcase competition 2015.
2015 - “Venice at Dusk”, won the Honorable Mention Award of Shenzhen International Watercolor Biennial 2015-2016.
2014 - “One Night in Venice”, selected for the 94th NWS Annual International Exhibition and became the signature member of NWS.
2014 - “Snow Scene in Shirakawa”, won the 1st place in Artists Network Watermedia Showcase competition 2014.